Tuesday, January 15


Men - Do You Know What Health Screening Tests You Should Have?

  • Tuesday, January 15
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  • mens health, health screening, health screening tests

    There are seven tests recommended health screenings that all men should consider running in the interest of good health and long life. The seven tests may not apply to all men. Four of these tests, however, apply to all men of different ages.

    The health screenings for cholesterol

    Most men do not believe they have high cholesterol and do not take the time to get it checked.

    For most men, you should have your cholesterol checked every 5 years starting at 35.

    However, if you smoke, have diabetes, or heart disease in your family, you should start testing at age 20 years.

    If you are overweight - you need to get the check so far no matter what your age.

    Blood Pressure Test

    You should have your blood pressure at least every two years. You need to see your doctor for this. The blood pressure machines at the corner drugstore may need calibration and are not accurate.

    High blood pressure has no symptoms and do not even know they have a problem until it is too late and suddenly stops at the knees.

    The colorectal cancer screening test Health

    Regularly a colorectal cancer screening should begin at 50. There are more than one type of test available, so do not pretend nothing happened. Just do it.

    Diabetes Screening

    If you have high blood pressure and high cholesterol, or physician will manage diabetes. If you are overweight, your doctor will probably run this screen at the same time for cholesterol screening.

    Prostate Cancer Screening

    Talk to your doctor about the possible benefits and harms of prostate cancer screening if you are considering having a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) or digital rectal examination (DRE).

    Sexually Transmitted Diseases

    You need to be honest with your doctor about this. You also need to consider HIV a problem if you have had a blood transfusion. Hide your head in the sand of denial will not change the reality of the situation.

    Depression Screening

    This is probably the most controversial subject after sexually transmitted diseases. Many men were taken to "bite the bullet" and keep quiet about the problems you are having. Generations of women have complained that their men do not share.

    We all go through periods of depression and occasionally for many people those periods only last a few days, and it's easy to say why you are depressed. There are some reasons "acceptable" for depression - losing a disease effort, work or the death of a loved one, or work just to name a few.

    However, if you feel sad or hopeless, or have little interest or pleasure in doing things, or if you just want to sleep all the time for a period of 2 consecutive weeks, talk to your doctor. You may find that with a little help you can get back to normal to be happy.

    Do not let your doctor put antidepressants. Taking pills without doing something to change the situation or attitude only make things worse in the long run.

    Remember guys, real men take care of themselves in order to care for others. Real Men ask for help and guidance when necessary. Real Men take steps to ensure that walking to bounce their grandchildren on his knee.
    mens health, health screening, health screening tests,Special Offer

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